The Travel Desk of The Hungry Detective informs me that early registration for Bouchercon 2009 is open. Cost for Indianapolis is only $125. This is pretty hard to pass up, and given that Indianapolis is with driving distance it seem pretty much like a done deal that someone will be representing THD at the 'o9 show. This virtually demands that THD also attend the 2008 Show in Baltimore . It would appear that early registration is still available at $150. So Christmas cames early to The Hungry Detective. Of course, I need cash in some Krugerrands , but this will not be a problem. Hopefully, Jared Case over at A Case of Murder will accompany me to the show(s). Of course 2008 will see his first book published and 2009 will see his third book published. That's right he going to write two book for 2009. Oh..... yeah you should be scared.......