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Showing posts from September, 2008

What am I Bringing... too much.

I'm at 42 books. That is 42 books I am going to bring to the Baltimore B'Con. I have already cut a few books I would have brought. A few Pelecanos, a couple Eisler's, a JD Rhodes here, an Alafair Burke there. I would love to bring everything, but that is just not practical. As it stands I'm going to try and fit all my books into the carry-on and check the clothes. My flight from Rochester is direct so I am not too worried about missing luggage. However, I probably need to cut this down by another 4 or 5 books. I'm looking in your direction UK editions. Of course this means I can't buy anything until I get to the show. Yeah right.....

How's your French?

I recently finished Fred Vargas's book Have Mercy On Us All. A book I enjoyed greatly by the way. I don't know what prompted me, but I checked over at IMDB to see if any of her work had been translated to the screen. As luck would have it Have Mercy On Us All has been translated to the big screen. Another, Wash This Blood Clean From My Hands , seemingly made it to the small screen. With the very successful art-house run of the Harlan Coben novel, Tell No One , I am crossing my fingers that this film will at the very least make an appearance on DVD. Warning there are no English subtitles.... and maybe a quick flash of nudity. Which is either an enticement or reason to report this blog. Enjoy.

Fall Preview 2008

It is generally understood that the summer is the best time to release books. It seems even more so with crime fiction. The ultimately derogatory phase of 'beach read' gets attached to this genre to the extent that publishers end up believing that these books only sell when readers have vacation time staring them in the face. THD will say that this fall is a little light. Looking over some of the release schedules there were a few books we left off. Does the new Stephen King really need any publicity? It has also been apparent to frequent readers of The Hungry Detective that we have been out of the loop for over a month. Vacation to Wisconsin, and a somewhat last minute trip to Brazil meant that we have just not had the time to keep in contact with all that has gone on. (You will be missed Cluelass!) But this is water under the bridge. The Baltimore B'Con is just two and half weeks away. THD will be there with daily reports. We will also post winners of the various awards a

I was in Sao Paulo....

I am loath to present non-Crime Fiction content here, but my recent trip to Sao Paulo, Brazil is really too big to go without some mention. This blog also acts as the fastest way to present photos to The Hungry Detective's family and friends. So below is a small sampling of photos and a brief description of what is what. The market. Monday morning. I had my first Brazilian meal here. It was toast with butter and a Coke. Yeah not very adventurous, but what can you do? On the street. There is tons of graffiti in Sao Paulo, some of it very nice, very artitic. 95% is of this uninspired variety... so it is a little hard to get excited by the 'good' stuff. Another shot at the market. Brazil has some crazy fruit... very little of which I ate.... these fruit here just make a colorful picture. I spent what seemed like 5 minutes waiting for the flag to unfurl correctly... damn digital shutter. This flag was huge. Perkins Restaurant huge! Top floor of the hotel. Skyscrapers as far as

Getting a little dusty around here.

Well the drop clothes have been on the furniture for awhile and dust bunnies are starting to accumulate in the corners of the The Hungry Detective offices. Sad to say that I will not be able change that for just a little bit longer. Your humble Publisher and Editor has been swamped by an upcoming trip to Brazil. Spare time has been seeded over to just taking care of planning, Visa applications and packing for this short notice trip. THD leaves this Sunday and will be back only 7 short days later. Hopefully there will be a post or two quickly there after. Until then take care and be aware.