As THD prepares for the coming Bouchercon in October, the current website for the Conference has posted the submissions for 2010. There is the submission from S an Francisco, Cauleefornah and a submission from Tempe, Arizona . There was also one sumbission for 2011 . I imagine that will turn up on the B'Con website in a day or two. We have some thoughts. First I think this is a great idea. Posting the whys and what-fors before the sites are voted on has the enticement of encouraging as many conference goers as possible to attend the vote in Baltimore. I think these posts insure that this will occur. I know a representative from THD will be in attendance. I will have to speak with a lawyer to cede voting authority to this yet unnamed person. San Francisco - This is a tough one, primarily because of the hotel costs. However, what you trade in higher hotel costs you could possibly save in some flexible travel options. Flying to Oakland has the luxury of being a bit closer than SF