I haven't mentioned purchases since... well it has been awhile. Acquisitions have been made, but they have been few and far between. Indeed Friday evening's purchases were the first of the year. I had anticipating buying a few books from my Winter Preview list, but when the moment presented itself I left the store empty handed. Drood - Dan Simmons This is a massive book, and it is a bit daunting. 775 pages is a formidable reading task for this reader. However, I am a sucker for the historical mystery. Plus, the cast of characters is too good. Wilkie Collins and Charles Dickens. Com'on.... The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Stieg Larsson Meant to pick this up upon initial release, but things got in the way. Tons of critical accolades. One day I walked into the bookstore to buy it and exactly zero copies were for sale. I repeated that experience on a number of occasions until Friday. The Watchman - Robert Crais The Joe Pike book. I thought the first 20-30 pages of this book