Today we ate the South Wedge Diner and at Panera Bread. Yesterday we ate Lindburger's (more on this later). For lunch we ate at Open Face.
This place sticks out for me because for a very brief time they served Maid-rite Hamburgers.If you are from the Mid-west you might know what these are..... for those of you who do not it is best described as a crumbly hamburger. When they served them I enjoyed the nostalgia even if I thought the mustard dressing they had on it was a mite to strong. The other delicacy they serve is Moxie soda. Moxie is best described as cough syrup in the form of a soft drink. An acquired taste, but one that a friend or two enjoy even if I don't. Hugely popular during the turn of the last century, it is now reduced to a specialty drink produced in Pennsylvania.
Anyway it was sandwiches all around. The toasted cheese is terrific. Two thick pieces of whole wheat, havarti, with.... and this is the terrific part..... those french fried onions that only appear on green bean casseroles around Thanksgiving. My wife had the same and our guests had the Goat cheese sandwich, and sandwich tasting, which was half of a toasted cheese, and I believe half of the Brie sandwich. So not exactly adventurous, but it was delicious.