I plowed through Deathly Hollows last week. I actually finished late Tuesday/Early Wednesday morning. This book has played a large part in my absence from the blog. My super short review is that it is a fine finish for this series. I found the preceding books since Goblet of Fire to be a disappointment (Half Blood Prince) and a down right bore (Order of the Phoenix... didn't like the movie either). One could argue that Goblet deserved its epic length, but can anyone really say that about Phoenix or Half Blood? Deathly Hollows is not without problems as well. The middle third of the book veers from plot-less to naked exposition, but the last three hundred pages really close this book in exciting and dramatic fashion. The body count is high and capricious, but what are you going to do? I would like to say the Offices of THD are brimming with activity, but they are not. There is also a retreat to Seattle, Washington that most THD staffers are required to attend so additions to the blo...