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More Awards....Shamus

The Hungry Detective has lost count of the number of awards slated to be given away at this year's B'Con. THD realizes that there are no more than usually, but it just seems like more than normal. The Shamus Awards were announced Sunday and have been posted to the usual sites. Not surprising with 'Shamus' as your award name all of the works nominated here feature the private detective as the champion of criminal justice.

The usual comments follow the nominees.

Best Novel
Head Games - Thomas Cavanagh
Soul Patch - Reed Farrel Coleman
The Color of Blood - Declan Hughes
A Welcome Grave - Michael Koryta
A Killer's Kiss - William Lashner

I know the work of three of this categories nominees; Coleman, Hughes, and Koryta. THD is happiest for Michael Koryta, so we are throwing our support behind A Welcome Grave.

Best First Novel
The Cleaner - Bret Battles
Keep It Real - Bill Bryan
Big City, Bad Blood - Sean Chercover
When One Man Dies - Dave White
The Last Striptease - Michael Wiley

THD has only read the Chercover and the White. And If I had to pick a preference it would have to be Big City, Bad Blood.

Best Paperback Original
Songs of Innocence - Richard Aleas
Exit Strategy - Kelley Armstrong
Stone Rain - Linwood Barclay
Deadly Beloved - Max Allan Collins
Blood of Paradise - David Corbett

Blood of Paradise has been nominated for everything in the last year, but we are aware the Collins and Aleas our loved for a variety of reasons. It is a toss up between these three.

Best Short Story
Kill the Cat (Detroit Noir) - Loren Estleman
Trust Me ( Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine) - Loren Estleman
Open Mike (New Orleans Noir) - James Nolan
Hungry Enough ( A Hell of a Woman) - Cornelia Read
Room for Improvement (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine) - Marilyn Todd

We won't presume to make a pick here as we have read none of the nominated and probably won't before the time of the Ceremony in October. It would be great if B'Con could get the rights to republish these shorts and put them in the 'goodie' bag for the conference. The Hungry Detective could probably knock them out before the vote. Maybe they already do that?

I'll post winners when appropriate.


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